Saturday, August 15, 2009


Yesterday my daughter shared with me some very sad news. By 2030-something there will be NO MORE BUMBLE BEES! At first I and my husband kind of laughed it off, until we saw tears welling in her eyes. She was very emotional about this because she loves nature and all living things. She was sad because she new that without bumble bees there would be no way that flowers and fruits could be pollenated; thus, terminating the beautiful tapestry of flowers all around us--and all fruit would therefore be gone as well.

She was very heart-broken that her children or grandchildren would never taste real, naturally pollenated fruit. They would never smell natural flowers or budding trees. It would be a real-life BEE MOVIE!

The cause, according to the documentary produced by NOVA, is that the pesticides we put on the fields tend to disorient the bumble bee; causing it to never return to the hive. The outcome for the bee--death! According the the show, scientist are also trying to breed a new type of bee crossed between the honey bee and the African bee; however, they are too agressive and territorial. An innocent person (or child) coming into their territory could get stung--to death!

My adult daughter was very passionate about this, understandably so. We take so much of nature for granted! We use and abuse the wonderful earth God set in motion. The Bible tells us that He takes care of nature. He takes care of the birds, the lillies, and the animals. But, we must be more responsible! Personally, I believe He will come back to get us in the Rapture before then; however, we must take care of our Earth also--Christians especially!

Why do we think of people who preach CLEAN EARTH to be "New Age?" If we truly believe that God made the Earth, the animals, and all that is on the Earth, shouldn't we take care of it the way Adam was to take care of the garden?

I believe we need to live as though Christ will be coming to get us any minute, but take care of the Earth as though He will tarry another thousand years. AND taking care of the Earth will also mean, taking care of ourselves.

I am beginning the second week of my LIFETIME CHANGE OF DIET! I came under conviction about month ago about the way I take care of God's temple (my body). So finally, I gave up simple carbs and sugars. I am eating better milk (raw milk), organic eggs, fruits, meats, lots of veggies, and drinking lots of water. So far I feel so much better! More energy, not craving food all the time. .. I could take chocolate or leave it--didn't think I'd ever get to that! I have only lost about five pounds, but I just want to improve my own well-being...not going on a diet or fad!

Taking control of my eating has helped me take control of other things in my life as well. I love doing things for God, and this is one thing I can do for Him. I don't want to be sickly. Though somethings I cannot change, I must change the things I can! I love Him more than I love cake. I want to feel energy more than I want pizza. I want to look good and feel great more than I want the pasta or potatoes or LaGondola bread.

So, I will strive to take better care of the Temple of the Holy Spirit. AND I will strive to do more for God's earth--our current dwelling place. As Kermit the Frog said, "It's not so easy being green!"

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